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01 Yacht Survey Services


Ensure the seaworthiness and integrity of your vessel with our comprehensive yacht survey services at Glosstech. Our seasoned marine surveyors employ meticulous expertise to conduct thorough assessments, examining every facet of your yacht’s condition. From hull inspections to propulsion systems and safety protocols, our surveys provide a detailed snapshot of your yacht’s health. Whether you are preparing for a purchase, insurance renewal, or routine check-up, our surveys offer invaluable insights. Trust Glosstech to navigate the complexities of yacht assessment, ensuring that your vessel sails confidently and safely on every voyage.

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Call us at +30 698 337 7875

02 Meticulous marine surveyors


Our meticulous marine surveyors specialize in conducting thorough assessments of yachts, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the vessel’s condition, performance, and any potential issues. From hull integrity to mechanical systems, our surveys are designed to empower you with the knowledge needed to make confident purchase decisions. At Glosstech, we are dedicated to ensuring that your investment in a yacht is not only a luxury but a reliable and rewarding journey on the open seas.

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Call us at +30 698 337 7875

03 reliable insurance coverage


Safeguard your maritime investment with our Insurance Survey Services at Glosstech. Our experienced marine surveyors specialize in conducting thorough assessments to ensure your yacht meets and exceeds insurance standards. Whether it’s a routine inspection or a requirement for policy renewal, our surveys provide a comprehensive evaluation of your vessel’s condition, safety features, and overall seaworthiness. At Glosstech, we understand the importance of reliable insurance coverage, and our surveys are tailored to provide the necessary documentation and insights for a seamless insurance process.

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Call us at +30 698 337 7875

04 meticulous analysis


Unlock the true worth of your maritime asset with our Valuation Survey Services at Glosstech. Our seasoned marine surveyors specialize in providing accurate and comprehensive assessments to determine the fair market value of your yacht. Whether for selling, refinancing, or estate planning, our valuation surveys offer a meticulous analysis of every aspect of your vessel. At Glosstech, we understand that your yacht is not just a possession; it’s an investment. Trust us to deliver precise valuations based on industry expertise and market dynamics, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the value your yacht brings to the maritime landscape.

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Call us at +30 698 337 7875

05 swift and comprehensive resolution


In times of unforeseen events, trust Glosstech to be your reliable partner with our Damage Survey Services. Our expert marine surveyors specialize in conducting thorough assessments to evaluate and document any damages your yacht may have sustained. Whether due to accidents, adverse weather conditions, or other incidents, our surveys provide a comprehensive analysis of the extent and nature of the damages. We understand the urgency and importance of prompt evaluation during such circumstances, and our team is dedicated to providing detailed reports for insurance claims and necessary repairs. Rely on Glosstech to navigate the challenges of yacht damage assessment, ensuring a swift and comprehensive resolution for your vessel.

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Call us at +30 698 337 7875

06 specialized Osmosis Inspection


Guard your yacht against the insidious effects of osmosis with our specialized Osmosis Inspection Services at Glosstech. Our skilled marine surveyors are equipped with the expertise to detect and assess osmotic blistering, a common issue affecting hull integrity. Through meticulous inspections, we delve into the layers of your vessel to identify any signs of osmotic damage, ensuring early detection and timely intervention. At Glosstech, we recognize the critical importance of maintaining the structural integrity of your yacht. Trust us to provide comprehensive osmosis inspections, allowing you to address potential issues proactively and preserve the longevity of your vessel for countless voyages ahead

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Call us at +30 698 337 7875